Going Off-Grid is a New Way of Life.

By far the biggest problem we all face when moving off-grid is organisation. Where do you start, eh? It can be pretty overwhelming. There are many fundamentals needed in an off-grid world that our previous on-grid lives don't prepare us for. But...if you set about things in the right order at the outset, you can save yourself a lot of aggravation.

Having set up two off-grid worlds in two different countries now, and also watching a heck of a lot of other people go off-grid, I can see we all make mistakes. I’ve learned from a good 75% of mine, so I thought I'd share my winnings with you.


A Practical and Nature Respecting Guide to Setting Up an Off-Grid World.

This roadmap is all about helping you make good choices especially at the outset when it really counts! It will show you what to prioritise when, and includes tips to help you stay motivated and avoid burnout.

Who is this roadmap for?

  • This roadmap is ideal for people planning an off-grid adventure. Oh how I wish I'd read this before I started my first project!
  • Have you just bought land or begun your off-grid project? This roadmap is for you!
  • Budding Earth Whisperers who want to foster a closer more nourishing relationship with their land will also enjoy the Earth Whispering sections of this PDF .

Who is this roadmap NOT for?

  • People looking for lots of technical details on any matter from independent power systems to hugelkultur, this PDF won't meet your needs. Any subject which has inspired entire books in and of themselves can't be covered adequately in a roadmap.
  • People wanting to learn how to build a house. This isn't a natural building course so if that's what you're after, this aint' it.

Number of Pages: 177
Contains detailed descriptions, photos, diagrams, lists of pros and cons, worksheets, cheat sheets and resources on:

  • Organising your project into different phases.
  • Temporary shelter options.
  • Water sources, and how to connect to them.
  • The most important tools you need.
  • Creating proper storage.
  • Power systems for all budgets.
  • Many composting toilet designs, and instructions on how to make them.
  • The 8 things you need for a properly functioning kitchen that doesn't make the cook want to run away.
  • Waste water and water filtration systems.
  • Bathroom fundamentals.
  • Discussions on creating community.
  • Livestock.
  • Land husbandry.
  • Earning a living.
  • Earth Whispering tips for connecting with your land and gaining the most from this incredible experience.
  • How to plan your project and get yourself off the blocks.

It’s not easy to complete a building project at the best of times, but an off-grid homestead is a real challenge. This guide is here to help you get started on the right foot while you have plenty of energy!

The PDF (117 pages of photos, tips, ideas and strategies).

I've separated the roadmap into two sections: The first is all about creating a working infrastructure so that you can actually inhabit your world without keeling over from exhaustion or cold, and hopefully keep your partner (if you have one) with you in the process. The second section is about taking your project into the longterm without going broke or crazy, and illustrates ways to cope with the challenges you may face.

This PDF is all about helping you organise your off-grid project. It gives you a framework so that you can make your own choices, and see what to do first, second, third and so on.

Earth Whispering?

The off-grid roadmap is primarily practical, but I did also add a special Earth Whispering guide at the end of each chapter. This can be ignored of course. But for me this is the whole beauty of living off-grid, and it's the part which makes these off-grid adventures worthwhile. There are plenty of ideas on how to connect with your land and create a magical bond in a way which works for you which can be such a life-changing experience.

Example Pages of the PDF.

Here are some examples of what's inside the PDF.

PDF example pages.

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